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Ees306:Surface Hydrology 1 Question Paper

Ees306:Surface Hydrology 1 

Course:Surface Hydrology 1

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2012

Answer question one and any three other questions.
1.a)Define the following terms :
i)Environmental hydrology (2marks)
ii)Infiltration (2marks)
b)Describe briefly the use of evaporation pans to measure evaporation (6marks)
c)State and explain briefly the components of soil water balance equation (6marks)
d)Estimate evapotranspiration for the period first to 30th november from the information given below:
soil moisture (M1) on first November=450mm,Precipitation =100mm,Irrigation=50mm,contribution from ground water=20mm,Runoff=20mm,Deep drainage=10mm,soil moisture(M2) on 30th November=300mm.(4marks)
e)Describe briefly how orographic precipitation is formed (5marks)
2.a)State and explain briefly any two causes of gaps in rainfall records (4marks)
b)Raingauge station X did not function for a part a month during which a storm occured.The storm produced rainfalls of 84,70 and 96mm at three surrounding stations A,B and C respectively.The normal annual rainfalls at the stations X,A,B and C are respectively 770,882,736 and 944mm.Estimate the missing storm rainfall at station X.(5marks)
c)Explain briefly any three factors to consider in locating weather station (6marks)
3.a)State and explain briefly any three factors considered in locating river gauging site (6marks)
b)Describe clearly the area-velocity method of measuring stream discharge (5marks)
c)The average velocity at a river gauging site with cross-section area of 1.2m2 was found to be 10m/s.Determine the average stream discharge at the site (4marks)
4.a)What is meant by the term flood?(2marks)
b)State any two causes of floods (2marks)
c)Explain in detail any two flood mitigation measures (8marks)
d)Estimate the peak discharge from a drainage basin of area 120ha,if the average intensity of rainfall is 20mm/h and runoff coefficient is 0.7 (3marks)
5.a)Distinguish between ephemeral and perennial streams (2marks)
b)Explain briefly how sediments are transported by a stream (6marks)
c)State any two properties of sediments (2marks)
d)The mean daily flows in m3/s at a gauging station for a period of 7 days are 32,31,30,51,44,35 and 32.Calculate:
i)The mean weekly flow in m3/s (2marks)
ii)The total volume of flow of the week in m3.(3marks)

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