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Epm 304:Remote Sensing And Interpretation Question Paper

Epm 304:Remote Sensing And Interpretation 

Course:Remote Sensing And Image Interpretation

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2012

Answer all questions
1. Define the term remote sensing as applied to mapping
2.Using a well labeled diagram,describe the remote sensing process
3.With a diagram,show the 3main portions of EMR used in remote sensing
4.List 5 advantages of remote sensing as a source of mapping data when compared to ground surveys
5.Explain the interactions of EMR with
b.Earth surface
6.Distinguish between visual image interpretation and digital image processing(DIP) approaches for extracting information from remotely sensed data
7.Distinguish between spatial resolution and spectral resolution and explaim the roles they play in choosing a sensor for a specific purpose
8.With reference to digital image processing sequence ,describe the following terms and explain their roles
a.Data importation
b.Image pre-processing
c.Feature selection
d.Image enhancement
e.Automatic image classification
9.What is the difference between supervised and unsupervised classification?
10.With reference to supervised classification,explain with the following terms
a.Training sites
b.Spectral Signature separbility
c.Mixed pixels
11.Explain the step by step process of creating an urban area base map using a digital image and visual image interpretation
12.Distinguish between the following
a.Land cover and land use
b.Land cover change and change detection
c.True change and false change
d.Pre-classification and post classification change detection
13.State two causes of "false changes" in multi-temporal image analysis and explain how they can be eliminated
14.Describe any method of pre-classification change detection technique and give its advantages and disadvantages
15.Define the term landscape analysis and explain how the following can be done with remotely sensed data
a.Discriminate vegetation from inorganic matter
b.Distinguish between different vegetation types /conditions
c.Map water depth and water temperature
d.Map escarpments
e.Map erosion features
16.Distinguish between contrast stretch and pseudo-color image enhancement techniques.

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