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Ees305:Isotope Geology Question Paper

Ees305:Isotope Geology 

Course:Isotope Geology

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2014

Answer all questions in section A and four in section B
1.Define the following terms:
i)Atomic mass unit (1mark)
ii)Nuclide (2marks)
2.The conventional unit of energy is the erg.Define the units of energy used for nuclear reactions involving a single or few atoms. (3marks)
3.A beta decay can be regarded as a transformation of a neutron into a proton and an electron.Explain how this takes place and state the two types of beta decay. (3marks)
4.What is an alpha particle?Write the equation for the decay of 238 U to
an isotope of Thorium (Th) by an alpha decay. (3marks)
5.Define half-life of a radioactive atom and give the expression for it. (3marks)
6.Describe briefly,the modern Nier-type mass spectrometer,its essential parts and the physical conditions under which the parts are set up.(3marks)
7.Name any three methods used in isotopic dating and for each method mention one material that is commonly dated.(3marks)
8.What is the geologic time scale?Explain the original basis of the sub-divisions of the geological time scale. (3marks)
9.What are stable isotopes?State the reasons for variation of isotopic composition in rocks.(3marks)
10.Define an isotopic tracer and its essential characteristics.(3marks)
Section B
11.a)What is mass defect within the atomic context?(6marks)
b)Calculate the binding energy of a nucleus ,given the following:Mass dect,M=0.241494 amu,1 amu of mass is equivalent to 931.5 MeV of energy,the nuclide has 27 nucleons.(4marks)
12.Explain electron capture decay process.(10marks)
13.a)Give the equation that describes all radioactive processes.Explain all the terms of the equation.(5marks)
b)If,for a radioactive decay of a parent that produces a stable radiogenic daughter,the number of daughter atoms is zero at time t=0,derive an expression from the basic equation in part (a) above ,for the number of daughter atoms(D*) Produced by the decay of parent at any time t.(5marks)
14.Discuss the criteria for selecting applicable isotopic system for age dating. (10marks)
15.Using appropriate reaction equations,explain the process of formation of carbon-14 in the atmosphere and its subsequent decay.(10marks)
16.Explain the principles behind "fingerprinting" groundwater using oxygen-18,oxygen-16 and hydrogen,deuterium isotopes on the one hand ,and the atmospheric noble gases on the other.(10marks)

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