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Ees4o1:Hydrogeology Question Paper



Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2013

Answer all questions in section A and any four in sectionB
Section A
1.Explain briefly what is meant by ground water.(3marks)
2.State the types of groundwater.(3marks)
3.Explain what is meant by an aquifer.(3marks)
4.Distinguish between Aquifuge and Aquitard,giving an example of each.(3marks)
5.Explain briefly how packing of soil particles affects porosity.(3marks)
6.When 3.68x10^6m3 of water was pumped out from an unconfined aquifer of 6.2km2 areal extent,the water table was observed to go down ay 2.6m.What is the specific yield of the aquifer?(3marks)
7.The water table levels in two observation wells 350m apart are +210.5 and +206.25m respectively.If the hydraulic conductivity and porosity of the aquifer are 12.5m /day and 15% respectively ,what is the actual velocity of flow in the aquifer?(3marks)
8.Explain the term sea water intrusion.(3marks)
9.Explain clearly what is meant by groundwater pollution.(3marks)
10.State any three effects of overdrawing groundwater.(3marks)
Section B
11.With the aid of a diagram ,describe the main features of unconfined aquifer (10marks)
12.a)Define the following terms:
i)Storage coefficient.(2marks)
ii)Safe yield.(2marks)
b)In a recuperation test,the water level was depressed by 4.5m during pumping and observed to rise by 3m in 90minutes.Calculate the safe yield of the open well under depression head of 3.5m if the diameter of the well is 7.5m.(6marks)
13.Describe briefly each of the following artificial methods of groundwater recharge:
i)Injection Wells (5marks)
14.Describe briefly how each of the following causes groundwater contamination
i)Mining activities(5marks)
ii)Improperly abandoned wells.(5marks)
15.State and explain clearly the main causes of sea water intrusion (10marks)
16.Discuss the importance of discovering ground water in Turkana county.(15marks)

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