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Ees301:Igneous Petrology Question Paper

Ees301:Igneous Petrology 

Course:Igneous Petrology

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2012

Answer question 1 and any other three questions.
Question 1
a)i)In the context of igneous petrology,explain briefly the relationship between chemical elements,minerals and rocks.(3marks)
ii)Define magma.(1mark)
iii.)Differentiate between orogenic and anorogenic magma sources,giving examples of each types.(6marks)
b)What do you understand by magmatic evolution?(5marks)
c)What is a phase in a magmatic system?Name two examples of the phases.(5marks)
d)Explain a phase diagram.(5marks)
Question 2
a)Explain geochemical affinity according to Goldschmidt.(10marks)
b)What are trace elements in igneous rocks?Give any three examples.(5marks)
Question 3
a)Describe ,using the components that constitute an atom,an isotope of an element.(5marks)
b)What are stable and unstable isotopes?Give two examples of each type.(4marks)
c)State the three most important elements from the point of view of isotope fractionation in igneous petrology and for any one of them write the expression of fractionation,indicating the isotopes used in the expression.(6marks)
Question 4
With the aid of suitable illustrations explain the formation of andesitic volcanoes.(15 marks)
Question 5
a)What is rock association in igneous petrology?Explain using a suitable illustration how rock association may be demonstrated .(10marks)
b)Describe the classification of igneous rocks based on the alkaline-lime index.(5marks)
Question 6
Write a shortnote on kimberlites and state their economic significance.(15marks)

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