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Ees313:Principles Of Physical Oceanography Question Paper

Ees313:Principles Of Physical Oceanography 

Course:Principles Of Physical Oceanography

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2012

Answer question one and any other three questions
1.a)What is physical oceanography (5marks)
b.Give brief descriptions of
i.Pycnocline (5marks)
ii.Thermocline (5marks)
iii.Chemocline (5marks)
iv.Salinity (5marks)
2.Using well labelf diagram,describe the continental margin (15marks)
3.a)What is longshore drift?(3marks)
b)Explaim how longshore drift occurs and list two of its impacts on coastal environment (12marks)
4.Give an anatomy of a sea wave and explain their roles in coastal erosion.(15marks)
5.Explain how surface currents are formed in the ocean.(15marks)
6.a)Explain coriolis effect and state its importance to ocean circulation (8marks)
b.)Define Ekman spiral and explain how it affects ocean circulation (7marks)

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