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Ees 312:Introduction To Geologicalmapping Question Paper

Ees 312:Introduction To Geologicalmapping 

Course:Introduction To Geological Mapping

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2013

Answer question 1 and any other three questions
a)State the objectives of geological mapping.(3marks)
b)Name any three important elements of a geological map.(3marks)
c)Define a rock outcrop.(2marks)
d)State the uses of the following in the field:
i)A base map.(2marks)
ii)A pocket steoroscope.(2marks)
e)What is a thematic map?Give two examples.(4marks)
f)What is meant by generalization in cartography?Give two examples.(4marks)
a)Elaborate briefly on different field hazards that emanate from rocks in general.(10marks)
b)Briefly ,elaborate on causes ,dangers and precautions you would take against bushfire.(5marks)
a)Elaborate on the type of activities that demand physical fitness during geological field mapping exercise.(10marks)
b)What is an ''arm-chair geologist''?Comment on his/her effectiveness,if any.(5marks)
a)Describe the type of samples suitable for the following purposes:
i)Petrographic studies (4marks)
ii)Geochemical analysis.(3marks)
b)Define the following and illustrate with appropriate diagrams as well ar theiq map symbols.
i)Anticline (4marks)
ii)Syncline (4marks)
a)A field notebook should not be treated as one''s personal record when one is employed.Elaborate how and why.(5marks)
b)Assuming the tip of your field pencil is 0.25mm wide,calculate the width of the smallest mappable unit in the field if you were mapping at a scale of 1:50,000(5marks)
c)Elaborate on other field documents that complement the field notebook in geological mapping effort.(5marks)

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