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Physiology Question Paper



Institution: University Of Nairobi question papers

Exam Year:2013

1(a)describe the rumination process
(b)write short notes on the digestion and absorption of the following in ruminants
-carbohydrates (8mks)
-proteins (8mks)

2(a)why is it necessary for the male fetus to produce antimullerian hormone? (2mks)
(b)what process allow the scrotal temperature to be regulated at 2-3 degrees lower than core body temperature (4mks)
(c)describe the process of spermatocytogenesis (5mks)
(d)what is the role of sertoli cell in the success of spermatogenesis (5mks)


(e)testosterone action on terget cells below the neck lead to increase ineach of the following except.
(A).red blood cells
(B).high density hypoproteins
(D).penile size
(E)prostate size (2mks)
(f)loss of sertoli cell function would cause which ofthe following changes in plasma hormone concentrations?

Testosterone FSH Inhibin
(A).decreased increased increased
(B).no.change increased decreased
(C).increased decreased no.change
(D).decreased increased decreased
(E).increased decreased decreased (2mks)
3.with the aid of a lebelled diagram describe how food is digested and propelled in the digestive tract of birds.include in your discussion the inervation of the different parts of the tract (20mks)

4.(a)describe the fuction of ductus venosus,foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus in fetal circulation (10mks)
(b)describe fetal factors that facilitate the movement of oxgen from the mother to the fetus (5mks)
(c)explain the functions of colostrum (5mks)

5.describe in detail the process of oogenesis and folliculogenesis in the female ovary (20mks)

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