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Ees415:Environmental Hazards Question Paper

Ees415:Environmental Hazards 

Course:Environmental Harzards

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2014

Answer all questions in section A and any four in section B
section A (30marks)
c)environment hazard.(1/2mark)
2.Describe three types of hazards.(3marks)
3.What is the purpose of hazard mitigation.(3marks)
4.a)What is a cyclone?(1mark)
b)Describe structural characteristics that are common to all types of cyclones.
c)What determines the vulnerability of a human settlement to a cyclone.(2marks)
d)Differentiate between immediate effect and long term effects of cyclone hazards.(1 1/2marks)
5.What are the requirements for thunderstorm formation?(4marks)
6.Clearly explain the cell categories used in thunderstorm classification.(4marks)
7.Define a heat wave and describe the suggested responses to heat wave conditions.(3 1/2marks)
8.What is Clear Air Turbulence?(1mark)
9.Give two features that might be noticed before a major landslide.(2marks)
10.Name two types of forest fires?(1mark)
section B(40marks)
11.a)Provide the definition of the three types of droughts.(4marks)
b)What are the strategies for drought protection and mitigation(6marks)
12.a)List types of floods and describe their causes.
b)Flood Mitigation Measures can be divided into three main areas.Discuss.(5marks)
13.a)What are the causes of landslides?(2marks)
b)In reference to landslides,write short notes on;
i.Rotational slides.(3marks)
ii.Translational slides.(3marks)
c)Give examples of areas that are generally prone to landslides.(2marks)
14.a)Describe classification of volcanoes.(3marks)
b)Distinguish the styles of volcanic eruption.(2marks)
c)Giving examples,describe primary and secondary types of volcanic hazards.(5marks)
15.a)Define an earthquake.(1mark)
b)What are the typical effects of earthquakes.(4marks)
c)Mention and explain the primary and secondary hazards associated with earthquakes ,and the kind of damages they produce.(5marks)
16.a)Describe signs and precursors that can be used in prediction of volcano eruption.(4marks)
b)What are the factors that increase probability of accurence of Clean Air Turbulence probability occurence.(4marks)
c)What are the causes of Forest Fire?(2marks)

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