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Ees412:Stable Isotopes Question Paper

Ees412:Stable Isotopes 

Course:Stable Isotopes

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2014

Answer All questions in section A and any four questions in section B
1.What are isotopes[3marks]
2.Explain the meaning of stable isotopes?[3marks]
3.The rate of radioactive decay is usually expressed in t 1/2.What is t 1/2?[3marks]
4.Isotopic data are typically recorded as ð.What is ð-value?[3marks]
5.Tc can be produced by directing deuterons from a cyclotron to Mo.Show the reaction involved[3marks]
6.What is a spontaneous process?[3marks]
7.What do you understand by the term spontaneous fission?[3marks]
8.What is isotope dilution?[3marks]
9.What is a scintillation counter?[3marks]
10.If you are internally exposed to 10rads of æ,ß,and r radiations,which form of radiations,which form of radiation will cause greatest biological damage?Elucidate[3marks]
section B
11.Briefly describe geochemical applications of isotopes[10marks]
12.Based on interaction cycle of the rocks with water,use a schematic diagram to describe the acquisition of a stable isotopes in natural waters[10marks]
13.The decay of radioactive substance follows an exponential relationship with help of a formula[3marks]
b.A sample contains 14C compound.Given that half-life of 14 C Is 5,730 years:
i.Derive the decay constant value for 14 C [3marks]
ii.If the initial amount of 14C is 200g,how much of it will be left after 3,000 years?[2marks]
iii.What time will it take for the 14 C to decay to 3/4 of initial mass?[2marks]
14.Tritium is a radioactive nucleus of hydrogen.Tritium decays by beta emission with a half-life of 12.3 years.
a.What is the decay constant(s^-1)?[4marks]
b.What is the activity (in Ci) of a sample containing 2.5mg of tritium?The atomic mass of 3H is 3.02 amu.[6marks]
15.A radioactive tracer is a very small radioactive isotope added to a chemical ,biological,or physical system to study the system.Using PbI2(S) and Pb2+(aq) and I-(aq),illustrate the use of radioactive tracer in establishing chemical equilibrium.[10marks]
16.The greatest advances in the use of radioactive isotopes have been in the diagnosis of disease.With the help of Technetium-99 and Thallium-201 show how radioisotopes are used:
a.To develop images of internal body organs[5marks] heart related diseases[5marks]

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