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Ees310:Principles Of Geochemistry Question Paper

Ees310:Principles Of Geochemistry 

Course:Principles Of Geochemistry

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2014

Answer all the questions in section A and any four questions in section B
section A
1.State any three areas of application of geochemistry[marks]
2.Give IUPAC name for the following metal complexes
3.Orthoclase,which occurs in granite,is an example of 3-dimensional network of aluminosilicate.What is the chemical formula of Orthoclase?[3marks]
4.Name three network-forming elements[3marks]
5.An empirical but useful indicator of the extent of polymerization is given by the ratio R.Write down the formula for R[3marks]
6.What is the value of R for melts of:
i.granitic composition[1mark]
ii.ultrabasic composition[1mark]
iii.pure forsterite composition(Mg2SiO4)[1mark]
7.Viscosity measurements on natural magmas show that the change in viscosity with temperature usually follows an Arrhenius type relationship.Show the viscosity formula[3marks]
8.When silica is melted with Na2CO3,it forms a soluble material.State its commercial name[3marks]
9.Show the polymerization reaction between silicic acids[3marks]
10.Name the polymerization reaction in Q9[3marks]
Section B
11.Whether a magma is hydrous or anhydrous,addition of water is important geochemically for four principal reasons.Discuss the reasons[10marks]
12.Briefly describe the following ore genesis processes
a.Fractional crystallisation [5marks]
b.Liquid immiscibility[5marks]
13.Undesirable ore genesis theory generally involves three components
a.Name the three components[3marks]
b.Briefly describe each one of them[7marks]
14.a.What is the standard Gibb''s free energy of change?[3marks]
b.Calculate the change in entropy,S,at 25C in the following reaction:2NH3(g)+CO2(g)->NH2CONH2(aq)+H2O(l).The following are standard entropies of the relevant compounds in J/(mol.K):NH2CONH2(aq)=174;NH3(g)=193;CO2(g)=214;H2O(l)=70[7m]
15.Briefly describe the solubility of CO2 in silicate melts[10marks]
16.A sample contains 14C compound.Given that half-life of 14C is 5,730 years:
a.Derive the decay constant value for 14C[4marks]
b.If the initial amount of 14C is 200G,how much of it will be left after 2,000years?[3marks]
c.What time will it take for the 14C to decay to 1/2 of its initial mass?[3marks].

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