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Bhr 104: Human Resource Management Question Paper

Bhr 104: Human Resource Management 

Course:Bachelor Of Human Resource Management

Institution: Rongo University question papers

Exam Year:2014


Read the case study below and answer the question probided.

As a result of company restructuring , you have been recruited as the human resource manager of Sony Sugar company limited, and in the process of assuming your five year term in office you realise that it''s the company''s strategies that are not right. As an expert in these:

a) Design a working vision for Sony sugar which
will enable it achieve its set targets. (2mks)

b) Design a working mission for the company
torwards competitive advantage. (2mks)

c) Generate four core values for Sony sugar
which will propel it into a successful future.

d) Identify four new goals and "SMART"
objectives for yhe company. (8mks)

e) Using your strategic knowledge and expertise,
design a five year strategic plan for Sony
sugar within your five year term. (9mks)


No strategies can be complete without taking into consideration the effect that external environment has on business. Discuss the main areas that external assessment needs to focus in order to collect relevant and accurate information. (15mks)


Efficiency involves using resources wisely and without waste, and effectiveness. Discuss.(15mks)


Briefly discuss why, Enviromental analysis in an organization is a crucial aspect to its success.


a) Discuss the clear process of perfomance
appraisal. (10mks)

b) State and discuss five importance of
management by objective. (MBO) (5mks)

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