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Bbm 102: Introduction To Computer Science Question Paper

Bbm 102: Introduction To Computer Science 

Course:Bachelor Of Business Management

Institution: Rongo University question papers

Exam Year:2014

i. (a). Describe the three preventive measures that should be taken to prevent against computer virus. (3mks)

(b). What are the advantages of email over convectional mail. (2mks)
ii. Name and explain some jobs/tasks that have been computerised. (5mks)
iii.List five of the most commonly used networks topologies in modern networking.(5mks)
iv. List five healthy and safety issues resulting to the use of computers and computer
Peripheral devices. (5mks)
v. When you surf the internet on public ISP, such as Yahoo!, you will often get unsolicited mail
in your mailbox. What do you call such mail? Other than clogging your mailbox, what is the
potential harm for such mail? (3mks)
vi. Briefly describe three moral issues involved in information and communication technology
usage. (2mks)


a) What does CRC stand for? (2mks)
b) What is it used for? Explain in detail. (3mks)
c) How does computer virus spread? (5mks)
d) Fiva solution wanted to install a cyber cafe in Rongo town, you have been chosen as an IT expert to aid in Network installation, state any hardware and software needed by the company. (5mks)

a) Explain how computers are used in the medical field. (5mks)
b) How is the internet used in business community? (5mks)
c) Data is represented in various ways in a computer system; there is image, sound, binary or octal or hexadecimals. By method of regrouping, convert 6110 and 37710 to binary and perform binary addition. (3mks)

a) How does the use of computer technology in the police force affect the society? (5mks)
b) Describe five ways in which computer systems can be protected against hacking. (10mks)

a) Briefly discuss how banks have benefited from the use of computers. (5mks)
b) How can computers reduce /compromise user privacy? (5mks)
c) Describe the developments in computing during the pre-electronic age. (5mks)

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