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Cdm 100: Hiv And Aids Prevention And Management Question Paper

Cdm 100: Hiv And Aids Prevention And Management 

Course:Bachelor Of Disaster Management

Institution: Masinde Muliro University Of Science And Technology question papers

Exam Year:2010

a.Highlight any five laws in Kenya which safeguard the
rights of persons infected by HIV and AIDS in the
b.Define the term self concept. Describe the core elements
of self concepts in relation to an HIV and AIDS client.
c. Describe any five ways in which media can become more
responsive to HIV and AIDS(5mks)
d. List three ways in which statistical data can be
presented diagrammatically. Give at least two reasons
why it is necessary to present HIV and AIDS data using
these methods(5mks)
e. Discuss any five ways in which the spread of HIV and
AIDS can be prevented(5mks)

a. Assess the importance of a workplace policy on HIV
b. Discuss the negative effects of HIV at the workplace

a. Outline the main components of care and
b. Identify any five factors that should be consider when
setting up a care and support programme(10mks)

a. Del Monte is a firm that deals with growing, processing
and canning of pineapples. Discuss in details how HIV
/AIDS may affect the profit of such a company(10mks)
b. Identify any mitigation measure you could advise the
company to undertake against the above effects(5mks)

Discuss the political/government conspiracy theory of the origin of HIV and AIDS with special reference to Kenya(15mks)

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