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Sbe 101: Business Management Question Paper

Sbe 101: Business Management 

Course:Bachelor Of Business Management

Institution: Rongo University question papers

Exam Year:2014

The following have been observed of some employees of Tahidi University College.
Repeated lateness for duty
Absence without leave
Improper use of the internet
Irregularities of punching in and out
As the administrative officer in charge of human resources:
a)Write an internal memorandum to all the employees warning them against the above.(10marks)
b)Supposing the employees do not heed your warning, prepare the agenda for a sectional heads meeting in which you intend to have the above addressed. Assume that this is not the first meeting of this kind.(5marks)
c)Write the minutes of the above meeting. Assume that all the sectional heads were present(10marks)

a)“Communication is the lifeblood of any business organisation, without which it cannot develop.” In light of this statement, explain using appropriate illustrations the purpose of communication in an organisation. (10marks)
b)“Both Internal and External Communication could be oral or written.” With relevant illustrations, explain the merits of written communication.(5marks)

a)“Communication refers to the transference and understanding of meaning.” Using relevant examples , explain the process of communication an organisation.(6marks)
b)You have been tasked with the responsibility of compiling a report on the rising cases of employee turnover in your organisation. Briefly explain how you would achieve unity in your paragraphs.(4marks)
c)“Careful choice of words is primary to clarify in writing.” As a business communication student, briefly explain how you would select your words. Support your points with relevant illustrations.(5marks)

a)“A number of factors may inhibit effective communication.” Elaborate. (10 marks)
b)Briefly explain any five factors you would consider in your choice of an appropriate communication channel.(5marks)

Make brief notes on the following:

Vertical communication
Horizontal communication
Diagonal communication

a)“Good listening improves business through the improvement of tasks and relationships.” In light of this statement, discuss the value of listening as a communication tool.(10 marks)
b)Using relevant illustrations, explain any 5Cs of effective correspondence(5marks)

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