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Ees 312:Introduction To Geological Mapping Question Paper

Ees 312:Introduction To Geological Mapping 

Course:Introduction To Geological Mapping

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2012

Answer all question 1 and any three other questions.
1.a)What is geological mapping?(3marks)
b)Define the following in geological mapping:
ii)Stratigraphy (3marks)
iii)Structure (3marks)
c)State the uses of the following in the field:
i)GPS (3marks)
ii)Compass (3marks)
iii)Magnifying lenses.(3marks)
d)Explain magnetic declination and its significance in geological mapping.(4marks)
2.a)Explain the following types of field hazards and state the precautions you would take against them.
i)Flying rock and metal chips.(7marks)
ii)Vegetation-related hazards.(8marks)
3.a)State and elaborate on any five actions you would take to ensure physical fitness prior to starting field work and during field work.(10marks)
b)Elaborate on field attitude and its impact on effectiveness of field work.(5marks)
4.a)Define strike and dip and illustrate the combined symbol used for the two.(5marks)
b)Draw a simple diagram of a cross-section of a fold and label the following features of the fold:limbs,fold axis,fold hinge.(5marks)
c)Assuming the tip of your field pencil is 0.30mm wide,calculate the smallest mappable unit in the field if you were mapping at a scale of 1:45,000.(5marks)
5.a)Describe the five styles of field mapping and their appropriate scales.(10marks)
b)What is amap layer in digital cartography?Give two examples.(5marks)

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