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Bot 110:Basic Botany 1 Question Paper

Bot 110:Basic Botany 1 

Course:Basic Botany I

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2007

Answer all questions from section A and any Three from section B
section A(28marks)
1.Outline sexual reproduction in fungi.(3marks)
2.Briefly describe nutrition in bacteria.(6marks)
3.What are the functions of a chromosome in plant cell?(4marks)
4.Name,in order ,the different stages of meiotic cell division.(6marks)
5.Name the two major types of tissue systems that are considered to be permanent in plants,giving two examples of tissues found in each system.(4marks)
6.Give a general description of the form and structure of parenchyma cells and state two functions carried out by these cells in plants.(5marks)
section B(42marks)
6.Describe the various life cycles found in algae.(14marks)
7.Write short notes on the following:
a)Lichen morphology.(6marks)
b)Plastids (4marks)
c)Apical meristems (4marks)
8.Briefly discuss plant cell division resulting in daughter cells with the same genetic make up as the parent.(14marks)
9.Compare and contrast collenchyma and sclerenchyma tissues indicating any differences in form,structure and function.(14marks)
10.With the aid of a labeled diagram describe the form and structure of the mesophyll tissue and explain the significance of the palisade layer within this tissue.(14marks)

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