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Ect 302 Educational Technology Question Paper

Ect 302 Educational Technology 

Course:Bachelor Of Education Arts

Institution: Pwani University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Answer Question ONE (Compulsory) and Three OTHER questions
Question One
a) Differentiate between the terms Educational Technology and Instructional Technology. (2marks)
b) Explain how Educational Technology as a discipline benefits both teaching and learning. (4marks)
c) Define the following terms as used in computer-based media.
i) Computer-multimedia (2marks)
ii) Computer-hypermedia (2marks)
d) Explain the significance of Dale’s Cone Experience to teaching and learning.
Support your answer with examples from a teaching/ learning situation.
e) Making reference to the elements of communication and citing examples from a
teaching/learning situation, identify and explain four measures that you will take
to ensure effective communication during instruction. (4marks)
f) Using examples to support your answer differentiate between non-projected visual media and projected media. (4marks)
g) List three creative approaches that a teacher could use to ensure effective and efficient use of printed materials during instruction. (3marks)
Question Two
a) To assist in media selection decisions, media selection models are used. Other than the basic model for medi a selection, name other two models that you could use to assist in media selection decisions. (3marks)
Question Three
Making reference to verbal, non-verbal, positive and negative aspects of communication and citing examples drawn from teaching and learning encounters, critically evaluate the axiom “one cannot not communicate” (15marks)

Question Four
a) Erickson & Curl (1972:163) proposed five general media utilization principles which should inform the teacher in making day to day decision about their use of media. Enumerate and explain these five general media utilization principles as proposed by Erickson and Curl. (10marks)
b) List five factors that you will take into account when selecting printed materials especially text books for instructional purposes. (5marks)
Question Five
“The primary role of instructional media is to help students learn and one way of doing this is by providing an information -rich environment” (Newby; Stepich; Lehman; & Russel, 2006:120). Citing examples from the various types of instructional media and using varied teaching and learning experiences, evaluate this assertion (15marks)

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