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Aec 301 Economic Development Question Paper

Aec 301 Economic Development 

Course:Bachelor Of Education Arts

Institution: Pwani University question papers

Exam Year:2011

Answer four questions. Question ONE is COMPULSORY.
Question One
a) Explain the nature and role of entrepreneurship and technology as a means of
achieving rapid economic growth and development in your country (9 marks)
b) Outline the limitations of planning in developing countries. (6 marks)
c) Analyze the extent to which Millennium Development goals can be relied upon
for the Realization on substance of Kenyans vision 2030. (10 marks)
Question Two
Explain the significance of agricultural and informal sectors in enhancing the process of
development. In your opinion, can these sectors lead to the advent of industrialization?
Question Three
a) The agricultural sector has been described as the key sector in Kenya’s
economic development. Briefly explain the role that the sector plays in the
economic development of a country. (7 marks)
b) What are the main economic problems that affect countries which mainly rely on
agriculture (4 marks)
c) Suggest specific measures that may be taken to minimize such problems.
(4 marks)
Question Four
“Bottom up development strategy is deemed the most pragma tic approach to
development” In the light to existing evidence discuss this statement. (15 marks)
Question Five
a) Explain Rostows five stages development (10 marks)
b) In the Kenyan context, are these stages of development applicable? Discuss.
(5 marks)
Question Six
Third World nations are subject to dominance, dependence, vulnerability in their
relations with Developed Nations. Discuss.(15marks)

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