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Bot110:Basic Botany 1 Question Paper

Bot110:Basic Botany 1 

Course:Basic Botany I

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2009

Answer all questions from section A and any three from section B.
Section A(28marks)
1.Name the functions of the following structures of a plant cell.
a)Endoplasmic reticulum (2marks)
2.In microscopy ,explain what is:
a)Resolution (2marks)
b)Magnification (3marks)
3.a)List the three types of sexual reproduction recognized in bacteria(3marks)
b)Draw a well labeled diagram of the cell structure of bacterium (2marks)
4.a)What is a bacteriophage?(1mark)
b)List the three types of thallus in lichens (3marks)
5.Distinguish the following terms
i.Active and passive transport (2marks)
ii.Turgor pressure and wall pressure (2marks)
6.Briefly describe the three (3) types of meristematic tissues (6marks)
section B(42marks)
7.Compare and contrast the events that occur in different stages of mitosis and meiosis in plants.(14marks)
8.Discuss the factors affecting the rate of diffusion and its significance in plants(14marks)
9.a)Discuss four main economic importance of fungi (4marks)
b)Discuss the three types of life cycles in algae.(8marks)
c)Name the two main chemical components of a virus.(2marks)
10.a)Differentiate between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells (5marks)
b)Briefly describe the basic types of collenchyma tissues in plants(5marks)
c)Give four food reserves as found in algae.(4marks)
11.a)Explain briefly how you would make a temporary slide using onion leaf(4marks)
b)What happens when a plant cell is placed in hypertonic, hypotonic and isotonic solution?(5marks)
c)Using appropriate diagrams ,discuss the body structure of fungi (5marks)

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