Bota 241:Taxonomy Of Higher Plants Question Paper

Bota 241:Taxonomy Of Higher Plants 

Course:Bachelor Of Agricultural Education And Extension

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2013

Section A[30marks]
1.arrange the list of taxa from the largest to the smallest.magnoliopsida;Rananculus;liliidae;magnoliophyta;polygonales;liliaceae.
2.(a)Define the term harbarium.
(b)describe the steps of estblishing a herbarium
3.(a)explain how the folowing features distinguish the family poaceae for othe families (i)stem (ii)leaves (iii)iflorescence
4.describe six nomenclatural principles that govern the ICBN.
5.(a)state four diagnostic features of the family Asteraceae
(b)name six ecomically important plants in family solanaceae
6.Discus the role of plant taxonomists play in improving the quality of human life on this planet.
7.discuss how specific epithets are derived
8.(a)"The morphological speceies concept is more practical in its use than biological species concept".Discus this statement.
(b)Give reasons why it is better to use natural rather than artificial classification of plants.

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