Zool 100: General Zoology Question Paper

Zool 100: General Zoology 

Course:Bachelor Of Agricultural Education And Extension

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2012

Section A (50marks)
1.outline the mechanisms of bouyancy in fish 4marks
2.explain the evolutionary significance of the amniotic egg. 5marks
3.describe the role of protozoa in the environment. 6marks
4.give characteristics of vertebrates which indicate advancement over hemichordates.5marks
5.briefly describe nutrition in platyhelminthes.5marks
6.illustrate the structure of a syconoid sponge.4marks
7.describe adaptations of nematodes to parasitic mode of life.5marks.
8.distinguish between chelicerates and crustaceans.5marks.
9.explain the economic importance of mulluscs.5marks.
10.describe dimorphism in cnidarians.6marks.
Section B.(20marks)
11.discuss adaptations of reptiles for a terrestrial mode of life.(20marks)
12.discuss the ecological importance of arthropods.20marks

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