Agro 222: Plant Breeding Question Paper

Agro 222: Plant Breeding 

Course:Bachelor Of Agricultural Education And Extension

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2014

Section A(30marks)
1(a)explain the importance of gene linkage n breedin. 4marks
(b)explain the importance of polyploidy to a plant breeder 4marks.
2.explain the basic steps in the production of a hybrid maize varhety 4marks
3.differentiate betwee the following terms by giving approprate examples
(i)orthodox and recalcitrant seeds 4marks
(ii)selection and variation
(iii)homologous chromosomes and multiple allelism 4marks
4.describe the mechanisms of apomixis reproduction im cqop plants. 6marks.
Section B.(40marks)
5.(a)describe the mass selectiö method in breeding self pollinated crops 5marks
(b)expalin emasculation and selfing procedures in plant breeding and their importance.5marks
(c) discuss the apomixis phenomenon in plant breeding and its importance 10marks
6.(a)describe the procedure involved in making maize synthetic varieties and their advantages.5marks
(b)explain the basic steps that a breeder would follow in breeding for disease resistance in crop plants 15marks
7.discuss in details the use of biotechnology in agriculture as a spechal techniques in plant breeding in developing countries 20marks

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