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Sbc 231: Intrduction To Forensic Science Question Paper

Sbc 231: Intrduction To Forensic Science 

Course:Forensic Science

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2014

section B

1. Distinguish between a reference, blank and elimination sample.

2. Illustrate the chain of custody involved in collecting and handling evidence from a crime scene.

3. Highlight the four questions that can be used in a court of law to prove a person''s insanity.

4. Match the following toxins with their source in the body:
-Carbon Monoxide

5. Outline the types of information obtained by geometrical analysis of blood stain distribution.

6. Describe the main scope of forensic dentistry.

Section C

1. Describe the following forms of evidence
a. Transient evidence
b. Propensity evidence
c. prisma facie evidence
d. Reconstructive evidence
e. Trace evidence

2. Describe how you would carry out an investigation to determine that the document was prepared on the date shown on the questioned document.

3. As a forensic serologist, what are the basic question that you should ask before analyzing a blod sample brought to your laboratory.

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