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Ses206:Introduction To Remote Sensing Question Paper

Ses206:Introduction To Remote Sensing 

Course:Introduction To Remote Sensing

Institution: University Of Eldoret question papers

Exam Year:2011

Answer all questions in section A and three questions from section B
section A
1.a)Define the term remote sensing and explain how it applies in mapping(10marks)
b)Using the diagram below,describe the 5major components of a remote sensing system (10marks)
2.a)Distinguish between the terms reflectance and emissivity.(10marks)
b)Explain the factors that influence the spectral characteristics of any two of the following(5marks each)
i)Leaves (vegetation mapping)
section B
3.a)Describe the process of photo/image interpretation (4marks)
b)Discuss any four elements of recognition as used in image interpretation (1.5marks each)
4.a)Describe two methods for determining scale in vertical aerial photographs (4marks)
b)Vertical exaggeration and reversed relief are two important optical illusions in stereoviewing.Briefly explain each and show how each assist photo interpretation (6marks)
i)Vertical Exaggeration
ii)Inverted relief
5.Remote sensing systems can be divided into 3types on the basis of the portion of electromagnetic spectrum used.Name these and briefly outline the applications,advantages and disadvantages of each of these portions (10marks)
6.Remote sensing can be used for urban land use analysis.Describe how you can use remotesensing to analyze any two of the following urban characteristics.(5marks each)
a)Age of an urban area
b)Socio-economic characteristics

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