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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Iii Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Iii 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2013

1) Consultancy pays.Discuss this statement from the point of view of the consultant and the client.(20 marks)
2) a)It is important for a consultant to understand a firm before commencing a consultancy assignment,discuss.(10 marks)
b)At the end of the day,a client solves his own problems through the eyes of a consultant,discuss.(10 marks)
3) a)Mary set up a consultancy firm five years ago but has not been successful in getting consultancy assignments,what in your view could be the problem?(10 marks)
b)Discuss methods that many could use to communicate with potential clients.(10 marks)
4) a)It is unethical to bill for more than work done by a consultant.discuss the statement and advice a consultant who is in such a situation.(10 marks)
b)Detail the importance of professionalism in proposal presentation.(10 marks)
5)Consultancy is a learning process,discuss this statement citing examples.(20 marks)
6)Explain the methods of clients billing,highlighting their advantage and disadvantages.(20 marks)
7)Enumerate and expound on the effective negotiation skills that a consultant could use.(20 marks)
8)Discuss the steps of problem analysis in consultancy procedures.(20 marks)
9)Define consultancy and enumerate the major functions of consultancy.(20 marks)
10)Explain the role of client in a consultancy assignment.(5 marks)
11)Identify the major areas where cosultancy services are demanded in modern organizations.(5 marks)
12)Examine the various methods a consultant could use to influence the clients system.(10 marks)
13)Discuss methods of identifying management problems before offering consultancy services.(10 marks)
14)Discuss the main parts of the five phases consulting model.(10 marks)
15)Discuss any three theories of consultancy.(6 marks)

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