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Diploma In Purchasing And Supplies Management Question Paper

Diploma In Purchasing And Supplies Management 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2013

Answer Question one and any other one question below:
Maziwa limited is a profitable manufacturing company with good track record of continuous growth over the last decade. The general business environment is rapidly changing with the introduction of new manufacturing processes and market liberalization in the region. The board has appointed a new managing director who is anxious to create a momentum for innovation and change in the organization. He is aware that introducing change is relatively easy when a company is facing a crisis but far more difficult when all is well. As a business development manager in maziwa ltd,the director has asked you for advice on the MBO programme that he wishes to develop

1a)As the development manager, the director has requested you to develop the programme.Explain the steps you would follow in developing the MBO programme for the organization.(10 marks)
b) MBO is not always the solution to management problems, describe the features of MBO and explain its merits and demerits in maziwa limited.(10 marks)
c)In what ways would the understanding of the external environment factors enable the MD to make better decisions.(10 marks)
2a)Explain the steps involved in manpower planning.(15 marks)
b)Explain why manpower has become very vital in modern organizations.(5 marks)
3a)The ideas and concepts of management thought as conceptualized by max weber crystalised
To what came to be known as bureaucratic system. Discuss Webers propositions and discuss
Their ability in today’s organization. (10 marks)
4a)The success of a business strategy depends as much on the clarity and realization of the
Thought behind it as on how it is expressed and put together.list and explain the sequential Framework for compiling a business strategy.(10 marks)
b)Identify and explain the behavioural attributes that a manger should posses in order to
successfully perfom his duties.(10 marks)

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