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Diploma In Purchasing And Supplies Management Question Paper

Diploma In Purchasing And Supplies Management 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2012

1a)What do you understand by the term management?.(4 marks)
b)Discuss the historical foundations of management.(14 marks)
2a)Every organization operates within the environmental constraints or restrictions imposed by the organizations sorroundings.Discuss five internal constraints that managers face.(10 marks)
b)Management by objectives is not always a solution to management problems.Explain four disadvantages of management by objectives(MBO).(8 marks)
2a)Explain why manpower planning has become very vital in modern organizations.(10 marks)
b)Briefly explain the four major steps in manpower planning.(8 marks)
3a)Identify some of the interventions that a manager can use to enhance employee motivation in modern organizations.(10 marks)
b)Explain four major weakness of the trait theory of leadership.(8 marks)
3a)Identify six types of formal groups and teams created by managers in organizations.(10 marks)
b)Explain how a manager can ensure the organization has highly effective self managed teams.(8 marks)
4a)Explain the advantages an organization would have if its employees are pursuing careers rather than holding ad hoc jobs.(10 marks)
b)Identify four basic steps at individual level in regard to successful implementation of career development program.(8 marks)
5a)Explain the benefits of job rotation as a method of job design.(12 marks)
b)Dscribe three factors affecting womens careers.(6 marks)

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