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Diploma In Purchasing And Supplies Management Question Paper

Diploma In Purchasing And Supplies Management 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2012

1a)Evaluate the functions of a manager.(10 marks)
b)Discuss the contribution of Fredrick Taylor to the modern organization.(8 marks)
2a)Discuss the different types of objectives.(6 marks)
b)Evaluate how an organization benefits from smartly set objectives.(12 marks)
3a)Differentiate between leadership and management.(8 marks)
b)with reference to Abraham Maslow,explain how employees can be motivated.(10 marks)
4a)Explain the different ways in which MBO is a solution to management problems.(6 marks)
b)Write brief notes on the following job designs:
i.Job rotation
ii.Job enlargement
iii.Job enrichment. (12 marks)
5a)Human beings are social beings which make them join groups.Discuss the advantage and disadvantages of group decidion making.(10 marks)
b)Discuss the factors affecting group cohesiveness.(8 marks)
6.Discuss the different reasons why women are not fully represented in management levels.(18 marks)
7.Write brief notes on the following:
i.Knowledge management
ii.Organization learning
iii.Organization re-engineering. (18 marks)

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