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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2012

1.As an expert in quality management,define the following terms and give appropriate example in municipal council context.
I.Enviroment (3 marks)
II.Enviromental aspect (3 marks)
III.Enviromental impact (3 marks)
IV.Enviromental management system (3 marks)
V.Enviromental policy (3 marks)
VI.Enviromental legislation (3 marks)
2.a)Why is work place Culture important in quality management.(8 marks)
b)Discuss five attributes that can be identified with culture that promotes quality practices(10 marks)

3.a)Managers are required to provide the necessary leadership as they implement culture change directed toward quality delivery.propose how you will manage the work force they pass through the following stages of culture change
i.Denial stage
ii.Resistance stage
iii.Experimenting stage
iv.Full acceptance and commitment stage. (12 marks)
b)Why do employees resist change.(6 marks)
4.“We are the most competitive on quality”Discuss the above statement clearly indicating attributes that define competitiveness in quality.(18 marks)
5.a)Discuss the concept of quality trilogy as proposed by Juran highlighting its application in current day quality management practices.(9 marks)
b)Outline six elements of Total quality management explaining clearly why they are important in driving customer satisfaction.(9 marks)
6.a)What is product liability.(3 marks)
b)Discuss five approaches that business in manufacturing sector can use to reduce product liability in Kenya.(15 marks)
7.a)What role do the following institutions play in promoting quality practices in Kenya?
i.Government.(5 marks)
ii.Kenya Bureau of standards(KEBS).(5 marks)

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