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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2012

1.”Sampling in research is a major process”Discuss.(18 marks)
2 a)Define the term variables as used in research methods(2 marks)
b)Describe how variables are categorized or classified in research methods.(16 marks)
3 a)Define the term research as used in research methods.(3 marks)
b)The three main classification of research are:
i.According to purpose or function
ii.According to data generated during the investigation
iii.According to the procedure or method used during investigation
Discuss any one of these classifications. (15 marks)
4 a)write short notes on the following terms:
i.Target population
iv.Research design. (12 marks)
b)Differentiate between the following evaluation studies:
i.Sumtmative evaluation
ii.Formative evaluation and give elaborate examples in each case.(6 marks)
5 a)Distinguish between a null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.(8 marks)
b)Describe the process of hypothesis and the two types of error made(10 marks)
6)State and explain at least six main parts of a research report(18 marks)
7)State and explain briefly at least six ethical issues in research(18 marks)

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