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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2012

Nyamasita food processing company based in Nakuru is a vertically integrated business processing company.It distributes food to consumrs and business markets.In 2005,the industrys retailing outlets were mainly large,spread to every region in the whole country.In the year 2004 the share price had reached a new low oh Kshs.10 a share.Since then the industry has implemented a number of changes to increase sales and ensure regular operations of its five plants spread throughout the country strategically.
In the first place,Nyamasita food processing company had an aim to open numerous smaller high street stores of reasonable sizes so as to increase the number of these types of outlets by the year 2007,Secondly,it has a plan to develop industrial market by providing semi-finished products for onward processing of food products beverage.Strategic alliance arrangement is already on between Nyamasita food processing and Elcapada Investment,managing large supermarkets in the republic to retail and help promote their products across the country.
1a)As a marketing consultant,explain to the members of Nyamasita food processing company the factors which are to be considered before opening outlets.(10 marks)
b)Explain the strategies which the company should put in place in order to evaluate the profitability of the branches.(10 marks)
c)Explain the factors the company should consider when setting price for food.(8 marks)
2a)Selling merchandise on credit is very common in the market today.Discuss the advantage of such a practice to a retail outlet.(10 marks)
b)Explain the reason why it’s a good idea for a retail outlet to conduct a marketing research.(8 marks)
3)Describe the steps which retail manager should undertake in developing a promotional plan for retail outlet of your choice.(18 marks)
4a)Expain the reasons why the retail manager needs to understand the decision making process of a consumer.(10 marks)
b)Highlight the merits of selling an own brand to retailing organization.(8 marks)
5)Examine the factors which are to be considered when setting the merchandise budget for a retail outlet.(18 marks)
6a)Evaluate the factors which should enhance the image of a retail outlet.(10 marks)
b)Explain the benefits of undertaking retail merchandise audit in an organization.(8 marks)
7)Retailers are increasingly offering sales promotion services to their potential and regular customers.Discuss some of the advantages which are associated with this practice.(18 marks)
8a)As a manager in a supermarket,explain the techniques which you may use to develop a vendor.(8 marks)
b)Explain the criteria that used are in determining the channel members for retail organization.(10 marks)

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