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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2012

1a)Growth is a fundamental retail strategy.Explain any four types of growth opportunities that may be used by retailers.(8 marks)
b)Retailers use promotion as a means of targeting and positioning strategy in order to influence the customers.Explain the various positioning strategies that may be applied by retailers.(10 marks)
2a)Explain how retailers use marketing information research in a competitive market.(8 marks)
b)Analyze te considerations to be taken into account when budgeting for merchandise.(10 marks)
3)Explain the importance of integrating the various functions in a retailing organization.(18 marks)
4a)Examine the importance of franchising in retailing and merchandising sector of the business.(10 marks)
b)Explain the challenges of locating a retail store in central business districts(CBD).(8 marks)
5a)Explaining the criteria a retail organization would consider in selection of a channel of distribution.(10 marks)
b)Explain the advantage of non store retailing.(8 marks)
6)Discuss the various methods of evaluating and merchandise performance.(18 marks)
7a)Analyze the steps of adopting a retail strategic plan.(10 marks)
b)Explain how legislation may affect retailing organization.(8 marks)

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