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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2012

1a)Explain six elements/features of scientific management developed by Fredrick Taylor.(10 marks)
b)Max weber bureaucratic theory is somehow applied in Kenya organizations.Identify the main features of a bureaucracy.(8 marks)
2.Explain the role of organization design in achieving organizational objectives.(18 marks)
3a)Motivation is an important part of managing process.Discuss.(10 marks)
b)State the hygiene factors in Herzbergs two factor theory of motivation.(8 marks)
4a)Explain how a manager can apply the various types of leadership in modern organizations.(12 marks)
b)The dynamic business environment has made it necessary for an organization to adopt organizational development.Describe one main characteristic of organizational development.(8 marks)
5a)Describe the stages in group development.(10 marks)
b)Desc ribe the factors that lead to group cohesiveness.(8 marks)
6a)Explain how a manager can use reward power effectively.(10 marks)
b)Organizational learning is being adopted in modern organizations as a way of ensuring survival.Describe the charecteristics of a learning organization.(8 marks)

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