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Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section Ii 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2013

1.Highlight the major factors in the external environment affecting organization.(5 marks)
2.Explain the factors in the internal environment and their impacts to organizations.(10 marks)
3a)Define the term group development and explain with examples the stages through which groups pass during its development process.(10 marks)
b)Identify and explain the features of an effective group in an organization.(10 marks)
4.Discuss the different stages of career development.(10 marks)
5a)Importance of career development.(10 marks)
b)What are the courses of labour turnover.(5 marks)
6.Name types of management skills.(8 marks)
7.Factors influencing the choice of a style of leadership.(10 marks)
8.Discuss the factors influencing organizational cultures.(10 marks)
9.Discuss the different ways in which organization can motivate employees.(15 marks)
10.What are the organization development techniques.(10 marks)

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