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Diploma Course In Managemant Section I Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section I 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

1a)Explain the phrase”Nemo dat quod non habet”and its five exceptions under a contract of sale of goods.(12 marks)
b)State and explain the ways which a valid offer may be terminated.(8 marks)
2a)Arbitration is the oldest mode of settling disputes which dates to the Mosaic era.In relation to this statement,highlighting the advantage and disadvantage of arbitration.(10 marks)
b)Define a hire purchase agreement and explain the requirement of a hire purchase agreement.(10 marks)
3)Like every other contract, a contract of insurance must contain all the essential elements of an ordinary contract including certain general principles peculiar to itself.Explian this statement by highlighting both such essential elements and the general principles of insurance.(20 marks)
4a)Give a summary of the various implied terms in every contract of sale of goods under the sale of goods act(Cap 31).
b)outline the circumstances under which a banker may refuse to pay on a cheque presented to him.(10 marks)
5a)Define Quasi contract and detail the circumstances in which quasi is applicable.(12 marks)
b)Destinguish clearly between Tort and:
6a)How are arbitrators appointed.(6 marks)
b)Who is a holder in due course.(6 marks)
c)Highlight the various remedies available to a person whose intellectual property rights have been infringed.(8 marks)
7a)write explanatory notes on the following
i.Five types of insurance.(5 marks)
ii.Five duties of official receiver.(5 marks)
b)Distinguish clearly between an agent and a servant under the law of agency.(10 marks)
8a)Explain any six general defences in torts.(12 marks)
b)Give an outline of any two:-
i.Ways of terminating agency.(2 marks)
ii.Duties of seller.(2 marks)
iii.Duties of hirers.(2 marks)
iv.Duties of agents.(2 marks)

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