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Diploma Course In Managemant Section I Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section I 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2010

1a)Explain the rules which govern the acceptance of an offer.(8 marks)
b)Kaka writes oloo,”I will sell my car for Ksh 200,000,If I hear nothing from you before next Saturday,I will take it that you have accepted”oloo does not reply by Saturday.Kaka is now threatening to sue peter for breach of contract to buy the car.Advice kaka on the legal position.(4 marks)
c)outline the ways in which an agency agreement may be ended.(8 marks)
2)In relation to a contract for sale of goods,explain the following:
i.“Nemo dat quad non habet”.(10 marks)
ii.Remedies of unpaid seller.(10 marks)
3a)In regard to the law of insurance,explain the following:
i.Insurable interest.(5 marks)
ii.Uberimae fidei.(5 marks)
b)Explain five general defences in the law of tort.(10 marks)
4a)Explain the meaning and essential of a bill of exchange.(6 marks)
b)How does a cheque differ from other bills of exchange.(6 marks)
c)Enumerate eight acts of bankruptcy(8 marks)
5a)Explain the circumstances under which the court will appoint arbitrators.(10 marks)
b)Elucidate on the implied terms in a hire purchase agreement.(10 marks)
6)Write explanatory notes on the following:
a.Trademarks.(5 marks)
b.Passing off.(5 marks)
c.Negligence.(5 marks)
d.Duties of the hirer.(5 marks)
7a)Moses instructed kijana to sell his car and agreed to pay him one percent commission on completion of the sale.Kijana sold the car and was paid in his commission by moses.Moses has discovered that kijana was also paid a commission of Ksh 2,000 by the purchaser,Advice moses,(4 marks)
b)Explain the contractual capacity of the following persons:
i.Minors/infants.(8 marks)
ii.Intoxicated person.4 marks)
iii.Corporations.(4 marks)
8a)Explain briefly five ways in which a contract can be discharged,(10 marks)
b)Distinguish between a sale and hire purchase agreement.(10 marks)

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