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Diploma Course In Managemant Section I Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section I 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

1a)Explain the following types of agent:
i.A factor(5 marks)
ii.A Del credere agent.(5 marks)
b)Define a negotiable instrument and explain its various characteristics.(10 marks)
2a)Describe the rules governing a valid acceptance of an offer.(10 marks)
b)State and explain any six principles governing general insurance.(8 marks)
3a)Explain remedies of unpaid seller:-
i.Against the goods he has sold
ii.Against the buyer personally
b)summarize the circumstances in which a bill of exchange may be discharged.(8 marks)
4a)Explain the legal effects of a bankruptcy order under baankrupptcy law.(10 marks)
b)Highlight any five rules governing the passing of property in a contract of sale of goods under the sale
of goods act(CAP 31)(10 marks)
5a)Define arbitration and highlight powers of an arbitration or umpire.(10 marks)
b)Bring out clearly the distinction between the trade mark and the tort of passing off.(10 marks)
6a)Highlight the works that are accorded copyright protection under intellectual property law.(8 marks)
b)Registration of hire purchase agreement is compulsory under the providion of the Hire purchase act(cap 507).In view of this statement highlight the provision of the said act regarding registration and effects of non registration of a hire purchase agreement.(12 marks)
7a)A contract which is valid may still be declared invalid due to vitiating elements or factors,In view of this statement,explain any five such vitiating factors(10 marks)
b)In relation to law of torts,define defamation and explain its essential ingredients(10 marks)
8a)Write explanatory notes on the following:
i.Types of trespass
ii.Types of nuisance
b)Discuss any five remedies available to a person who is injured as a result of breach of contract(10 marks)

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