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Diploma Course In Managemant Section I Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section I 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

1a)Kazungu is invited by his friend Lucas to attend his birthday party at Mombasa.Lucas promises that there will be a lot of food and drink.Kazungu travels all the way to Mombasa only to be informed that the birthday party has been cancelled.Being aggrieved,he intends to file a court case for breach of contract,Advice Kazungu.(4 marks)
b)Explain the essential elements of a valid contract.(16 marks)
2a)Explain the following:
i. Caveat emptor
ii. Rules that govern transfer of ownership/title.(8 marks)
b)Explain what constitutes mis-representation.(4 marks)
3a)Discuss five principles of general insurance.(10 marks)
b)Give five classification of goods.(5 marks)
c)Distinguish between contract and tort.(5 marks)
4a)Explain five ways by which a bill of exchange can be discharged.(10 marks)
b)Distinguish between a sale and agreement to sell.(10 marks)
5a)Perfomance of a contract must be precise and exact for the contract to be discharged.Discuss.(10 marks)
b)who is unpaid seller.(2 marks)
c)Explain four remedies of unpaid seller against the goods.(8 marks)
6.Write explanatory notes on the following:
b.Acts of bankruptcy
c.Implied terms in hire purchase
d.Duties of an agent
7a)Describe five ways of creating agency relationship.(10 marks)
b)Distinguish between the following;
i.Public and private nuisance.(5 marks)
ii.Libel and slander.(5 marks)
8a)Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of arbitration.(12 marks)
b)Distinguish between a bill of exchange and a cheque.(8 marks)

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