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Certificate Course In Management Question Paper

Certificate Course In Management 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

1a)Mr Andrew has three sons and three daughters,one of the sons does not obey him and is generally lazy.Mr Andrew has written a will giving all his properties to his two sons to the exclusion of the daughters and the disobedient son,Advice mr Andrew on the legal effects of the will.(8 marks)
b)Explain six principles of general insurance.(12 marks)
2a)Discuss the various classification of law.(12 marks)
b)Distinguish between corporation and unincorporated association.(10 marks)
3a)List five advantages and five disadvantages of delegated legislation.(10 marks)
b)Explain the various ways of creating agency relationship.(10 marks)
4a)Explain the characteristics of a valid will.(10 marks)
b)Explain five kinds of civil law.(10 marks)
5a)Explain the meaning and requirements of an easement.(10 marks)
b)Discuss the characteristics of a negotiable instrument.(10 marks)
6.)Write explanatory notes on the following:-
i.Law and morality.(5 marks)
ii.Weakness of common law.(5 marks)
iii.Supervisory jurisdiction of the high court.(5 marks)
iv.Liability of minors or infants in contract.(5 marks)
7a)Discuss the duties of a tenant.(10 marks)
b)Explain the remedies available to unpaid seller.(10 marks)
8a)Explain implied conditions and warranties in a hire purchase agreement.(10 marks)
b)Set out the distinctions between joint proprietorship and common proprietorship.(10 marks)

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