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Certificate Course In Management Question Paper

Certificate Course In Management 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

1.Discuss the role of marketing in society.(20 marks)
2a)Explain briefly the marketing mix.(12 marks)
b)Explain the communications mix and identify four elements of the mix.(8 marks)
3a)Discuss the criteria that a marketer can use for effective segmentation.(8 marks)
b)Explain any four types of markets.(12 marks)
4a)Describe the main components of the marketing information system(MKIS).(8 marks)
b)outline functions of the distribution system.(12 marks)
5a)Examine the stages involved in new product development(NPD)process.(12 marks)
b)Explain the different method that a marketer can use to determine a promotional budget.(8 marks)
6a)Describe the different competing marketing concepts.(10 marks)
b)Explain factors that marketers should consider when selecting channel members.(10 marks)
7a)With the help of a diagram,explain the product life cycle(PLC).(12 marks)
b)Describe the different pricing methods that marketers are likely to use.(8 marks)
8a)Describe the importance of marketing research.(10 marks)
b)Describe the implications of politics and technology in business activities.(10 marks)

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