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Diploma Course In Managemant Section I Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section I 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

1a)”Money is the only motivator”discuss.(10 marks)
b)Distinguish between hygiene factors and motivators according to Herzberg.(10 marks)
2a)Briefly explain the different ways of departmentalization in an enterprise.(10 marks)
b)Explain the contribution of teamwork to managerial effectiveness.(10 marks)
3)Informal and formal groups are important ingredients to organizational performance.
i.Explain the process of group information.(10 marks)
ii.Compare formal to informal groups.(10 marks)
4)”Organizational behavior is multi-disciplinary”Identify the disciplines Organization Behaviour borrows from and highlight the areas it has benefited from them.(10 marks)
5a)Using Lewins three step model,describe the change process.(12 marks)
b)Identify the organizational symptoms of an employee working under stressful conditions.(8 marks)
6a)Briefly explain the factors that influence the perceptual process.(10 marks)
b)Describe the factors that make peoples personality to differ.(10 marks)
7)It issometimes said that leaders are born,However,through training they can be made.Discuss(20 marks)
8a)Write brief notes on the following:
i.Career management.(2 marks)
ii.Career development.(2 marks)
iii.Career planning.(2 marks)
iv.Succession planning.(2 marks)
b)Discuss the importance of career development to an organization.(12 marks)

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