Ecde 313: Methods Of Teaching Ecde Mathematics Question Paper

Ecde 313: Methods Of Teaching Ecde Mathematics 

Course:Bachelor Of Educations

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2014

INSTRUCTIONS:Answer question ONE and any other TWO 1.a Describe four roles of a teacher in a mathematics lesson in ECDE.8marks b.Examine factors to consider when selecting teaching and learning materials for mathematics activities.10 marks c.Discuss the importance of planning for mathematics instruction in preschool 6marks d.Outline the principles of teaching mathematics in ECDE 6marks 2.Citing examples,discuss the approaches of teaching and learning mathematics activities in ECDE.20marks 3.Explain,with examples,the implications of piaget theory of cognitive development to the learning and teaching of mathematics activities in preschool.20marks 4.a.Discuss the importance of the following documents to the teacher.i schemes of work 5marks ii lesson plan 5marks b.Explain the importance of assessment in ECDE mathematics 10mark

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