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Diploma Course In Managemant Section I Question Paper

Diploma Course In Managemant Section I 


Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management (Kim) question papers

Exam Year:2011

1)Define and describe database management system.(20 marks)
2a)Differentiate management functions.(12 marks)
b)Explain what a system is and list its properties.(8 marks)
3a)Distinguish between formal and informal MIS.(12 marks)
b)Describe decision support system(DSS)and give two examples.(8 marks)
4a)Desighn a purchasing procedure or debt control.(12 marks)
b)Distinguish between the following types of systems:
i.Physical versus abstract systems.(4 marks)
ii.Mechanistic versus organic system.(4 marks)
5a)Compare the components of a manual and automated systems.(12 marks)
b)Explain the meaning of the following terminologies:
6a)Define mode of data processing and state its processing cycle.(4 marks)
b)Explain the following modes of data processing
i.Batch processing
ii.Time sharing (8 marks)
c)Virtual private network(VPN) and value added network(VAN) are types of computer networks an organization can adopt.Explain their meaning(8 marks)
7a)Various theories of organizations have been developed or advances by the scholars and exports based on it focus,management role and required skills.(15 marks)
b)Describe the duties of a database administrator(DBA).(5 marks)
8)Define and describe SLDC as used in systems development.(20 marks)

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