Ecde 311:Comparative Ecde Question Paper

Ecde 311:Comparative Ecde 

Course:Bachelor Of Education In Early Childhood Education

Institution: Chuka University question papers

Exam Year:2014

CHUKA UNIVERSITY THIRD YEAR EXAMINATION FOR THE AWARD OF DEGREE BACHELOR OF EDUCATION EARLY CHILD AND DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION STREAMS:B.ED ECDE Y3S1 TIME: 2HOURS DAY/DATE:MONDAY 8/12/2014 8.30 A.M.-10.30 A.M. INSTRUCTIONS:ANSWER QUESTION ONE AND ANY OTHER TWO QUESTIONS 1.a.Discuss the key factors that determine and shape the similarities and differences in systems of education around the world 20marks b.What is the rationale for the study of comparative early childhood education for ECDE teachers,managers and policy makers? 10marks 2.a. State the main objectives of the Montessori curriculum model for early childhood education 2marks b.Outline the premises of the Montessori approach to teaching and learning 14marks 3.Discuss the main features of the Reggio Emilia approach to Early Childhood Education 20marks 4.Discuss the current trends in early childhood education in the world and outline the socio-economic trends that have important effects on ECDE 20marks

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