Scs 420: Software Metrics Quality Question Paper
Scs 420: Software Metrics Quality
Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Engineering
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2008
DATE: THURSDAY, 19TH JUNE 2008 TIME: 11.00 A.M. – 1.00 P.M.
Answer question number ONE and any other TWO questions.
Define the following terms.
Software process
(1 mark)
Process model
(1 mark)
Rapid Application Development (RAD)
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
Software documentation
(1 mark)
Briefly explain Quality Assurance (QA) reporting and monitoring. (6 marks)
Briefly explain software metrics as indicator or reliability and quality. (9 marks)
Describe the following
Software process
(1 mark)
Process model
(1 mark)
Software metrics
(1 mark)
(1 mark)
Software documentation
(1 mark)
Briefly explain the generic view of software production process. (5 marks)
Construct a software process framework with a set of software
engineering actions and the associated software engineering products.
(15 marks)
Distinguish between Evolutionary process model and the spiral model. (6 marks)
Design a prototyping model for both evolutionary and spiral process
models and explain how prototyping paradigrim may offer the best
(14 marks)
Briefly explain software metrics in the project and process domains. (6 marks)
Bring out the application of metric common to most software projects
giving appropriate guidelines that are applied when collecting software
(14 marks)
Briefly explain the software quality management.
(5 marks)
Assume you work for an organization that develops application software
products for microcomputer systems. The organization is interest in
quantifying its software development. Write a report suggesting appropriate
metrics and how it should be collected in order to be assured of the best
quality and performance of the system.
(15 marks)
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