Ect 322: Special Methods - Fine Art (Paper Two - Double Unit) Question Paper

Ect 322: Special Methods - Fine Art (Paper Two - Double Unit) 

Course:Bachelor Of Education

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2010

TIME: 11.00 A.M. - 1.00 P.M.

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer Question ONE and any TWO others.

Differentiate between each of the following closely related issues:

The Essential and the Contextual justification for teaching art

The Critical and the Cultural aspects of learning art

Creativity as a Process and as a Product

(15 marks)

Briefly discuss how the art programme in secondary can lead to the realisation

of each of the following goals of art education:

Acquisition of Knowledge

Growth of creative Expression

Development of personal and social characteristics

(15 marks)


Evaluate the following statements and state whether or not you agree with each and why:
An art teacher must be a skilled artist in order to teach art effectively.

Art is personal experience and as such should not be evaluated.

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Art should be taught with a major aim to ensure learners pass the KCSE


Art should be taught only to those learners who show promise.

(20 marks)


Compare and contrast the Traditional approach to teaching art with the

Progressive approach.

(14 marks)

Give TWO plausible reasons for the continued existence, in schools, of all

approaches that have evolved ever since art appeared in the school


(6 marks)


Explain how the productive realm of learning art can be improved upon by

involving learners in

the critical and

the cultural realms of learning art

(13 marks)

Below are six frames of reference pertinent to the critical realm of learning art.

Illustrate each frame by writing a question relevant to it and one that you could pause to

your art class.

The Experiential dimension

The Formal dimension

The Symbolic dimension

The Thematic dimension

The Material dimension

The Contextual dimension

(7 marks)
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Differentiate between the terms: Material and Media.

(6 marks)

Explain any FIVE factors likely to influence an artist’s choice of material

for use in making art.

(10 marks)

How would an understanding of factors likely to affect an artist’s selection

of art materials, improve the learning of art? Explain briefly.

(4 marks)

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