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C.A.T Soen 202: Internet Programming Question Paper

C.A.T Soen 202: Internet Programming 

Course:Degree In Software Engineering

Institution: Kisii University question papers

Exam Year:2014

a)Discuss any three applications of internet programming 3marks
b)with the aid of code segments,explain the steps that one can follow to make an image to be used as a link to a page named "mku.htm".5marks
c)Write code to generate an html form with three textfields and one command button.4marks
d)Write a javaScript function script that can be called to evalute the sum of any three integer numbers. the function should be called by to perform a computation anytime that the user inputs three values through the form designed in (C) above.8marks
e)discuss five features of client side scripting.5marks

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