Sch 319: Food Based Industries Question Paper

Sch 319: Food Based Industries 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Industrial Chemistry

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2014

SCH 319 - Food-based Industries
Q1. (a) What is the botanical name for the plant tea and to which family it belongs?
(b) Name different varieties of the plant tea. Which variety of tea is generally grown in Kenya?
(c) Precautions taken during packaging and storage of processed tea.
(d) List five major companies processing tea in Kenya.
(e) Name the part of the plant from which tea is processed.
(f) What is average annual production of tea in Kenya and what is the place for Kenya in the world market of tea production.
Q2. Fill in the blanks:
(i) The stimulating effect of tea is due to ___________ .
(ii) The back colour of the processed tea is due to conversion of _________ to
Q3. What are the major enzymes present in tea leaves? Give the function of these during the processing of (i) black tea (ii) green tea.
Q4. (a) Write structure of theogallin, give the class of compounds to which it belongs, its source and characteristics.
(b) Describe Strecker degradation reactions in relation to processing of tea.
(c) Write the name and structure of the compound found in tea and is responsible for its stimulating effect.
Q5. Describe the main steps involved in the processing of tea leaves in the production of black tea.

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