Sch 319: Food Based Industries Question Paper

Sch 319: Food Based Industries 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Industrial Chemistry

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2014

SCH 319 - Food-based Industries
Synthetic Beverages
Q1. What are synthetic beverages? List main ingredients of a soft drink.
Q2. What are major steps involved in the production of a soft drink. Discuss in detail.
Q3. Discuss about the quality control applicable to the production of a soft drink.
Q4. Describe carbonating the drink in production of a synthetic beverage.
Q5. Fill in the blanks:
(i) Synthetic drinks contain --------- %water.
(ii) Synthetic drinks contain -------- Kcal
(iii) Fruit juices which do not undergo alcoholic fermentation are termed as ----
----- .
(iv) Complete removal of all suspended material from juice is known as
……… .
Q6. (a) Describe a method for the preparation of banana puree and paste.
(b) What are different banana beverages? Describe how these could be prepared.

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